Sunday, April 26, 2009

Half way done!!

We will officially be half way through the pregnancy this week. We had the ultra sound last week. We took the kids so they could see the baby in mom's tummy. They seem to be excited for a few minutes. We didn't find out since we have decided not but we wouldn't have been able even if we wanted to as the baby has his legs crossed. So it couldn't be a stubborn little born or a shy little girl. We will all find out in September.

Austin's first Hunt!

As a reward for getting a B average for the 2nd semester Austin got to go on a pig hunt with his dad at the beginning of April. He had a lot of fun hunting the pig but wasn't to sure about touching it for pictures afterwards. Robert was so excited to finally go hunting with one of his boys. Now he can't wait for Megan to be old enough to get her started. We can just see it now..High heals and Pick Camo Dress and gun. Robert also shot a pig so between the 2 pigs we have over 300lbs of pork down in the freezer.

Austin and his pig
Dad and Austin with Austin's Pig.