Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas 2009

It is always good when you can get the kids to cooperate to take pictures in front the tree.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It doesn't seem possible that it has been 3 months since Breanna was born. I return to work tomorrow and as much as I am excited to return to work and have more adult conversations throughout the day. I am also sad. It has been fun watching Breanna grow each day and develop her personality. She is such a happy baby. Sleeping through the night since middle of October and she is alot like Austin in that she likes to stand rather than sit, she gets really excited and smiles at everything.

The past 3 month have been good the kids are adjusting well and I think it was good to be home to try to get a routine in place, it may all change now that i won't be home after school but we will see. The twins are excited each day after school to come home and do their homework all on Mondays so they can play. Right now they are working on a map learning project and the class is trying to find the Gingerbread boy that escaped from the Oven on Tuesday, today he was in Arizona (Megan says it as Arizonwa, it is cute). The first semester is over and all the kids did really well. Austin got A's and B's so we are excited for the great start to the year and on the 6th of this month he will be turning 11. Wow! The twins are good Nik is doing really well, he can count to 100, recognizes all 52 letters (upper and lower-case) and is doing well with sight words and letter sounds. Megan is also doing well, she is struggling a little more than Nik but is still achieving the goals that were set. She just need to learn to keep her hands to herself and not bother Nik in class.

Now as we are getting ready for the holidays and the end of the year. I want to take some time to thank all of my family and friends that have supported this year for their love. We love them all and miss those that are not close enough to visit. We wish you all a great holiday season and hope that all your dreams and wish come true with the coming year.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Finally FINISHED!!!

It took me 2 years to get this finished but I finally did it. Now to begin Megan's and try to get it finished by next year and maybe getting Breanna's finshed also.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fall is Here!

November already! WOW!!

Austin is doing well in school. He is currently getting A's and B's. He just finish his first project in 5th grade. He had to do a report and then participate in a wax museum. He was Babe Ruth!

Then we had Halloween. 3 kids in school and a baby at home. The kids parade at school was on Thursday and then they had no school on Friday. Since Halloween was on Saturday it was nice so that we could carve pumpkins on Friday since Robert was actually home the final weekend of the month. Gotta love the Hunting Season. And then trick or treating on Saturday.

And here are the Costumes! Austin was a mummy, Megan a Witch, Nikolai Superman and Breanna was a little Ghost.

Breanna is now 2 months old. She weighed in at 9lbs and 22 inches today. She is smiling, Trying to grab onto things and Growing. When we go out everyone still thinks she is so small, but she is growing.

I have recovered well from the C-section and have another 4 weeks off before I have to return to work on December 3rd. I am going to try to get christmas shopping done and re-arranging the bedrooms for the kids so that Megan and Breanna can have a room together.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's already been a month!

I can't believe how fast the past month has gone by. Breanna is a really good baby and is on a 3 to 4 hour eating schedule which mean I really only get up once in the middle of the night once I go to bed. She thinks she is hot stuff trying to hold her head up on her own and look around.
Becky, Arianna and Myah came and stayed with us for a week to help with the kids and the house work. It was nice to have the extra help as we were getting adjusted to life with 4 kids. We spent the first week of Breanna being home going back and forth to the hospital for Jaundice blood draws. We had a light suitcase that she had to be in for a while but we got over that. Then she wasn't gaining weight. We left the hospital on 9/6 and she weighed 6 lb 2 ounces and at a week old she only weight 6 lbs 3 ounces, so I had to start supplementing her nursing and she soon decided that she wasn't going to nurse any longer so she is now on bottle and doing much better.

Breanna modeling a bow that I made. Breanna with her Cousin Emma who is nine months old.

Breanna first Bath in her tub.
Just chillin'
Becky, Myah and Breanna

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Meet the New Kid on the block!!

BREANNA ELIZABETH made her debute on Thursday, September 3 at 8:31pm. Weighing in at 6 lbs 14 ounces, 20 1/2 inches. She was born 2 weeks early since my blood pressure once again did not cooperate. I had gone in for my normal checkup and my pressure was up to 140/90 which the doctor didn't really like. So she sent me for a non stress test and the pressure came down a little and I went to work for the afternoon. At 4pm I got the call from the doctor's nurse saying that they wanted to do the c-section that night and when was the last time I ate? I was like at 12. Tthey said "ok, we will call you back and let you know what the doctors (anesthiaoligist say)". They call back at 5 and said "be here at 6 and we will take the baby at 8." I rushed home finished packing and said hello to the kids and then off we went to the hospital. True to their word they had me in the OR by 8PM and back in teh recoervy by 9:00pm(it was fast). The kids then came up and saw their new little sister and spent some time with her before they headed home to go to bed for school the next day.

Here is Breanna First Bath.....Done right in my room

She is a spitting image of her big sister. The kids are happy and excited. It did take Megan a little while to come around since she was so sure we were having a boy and his name was going to be "ROCK STAR". She did say the Breanna's name was "Pretty".

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School Starting soon!

With school set to begin in just a few short weeks.(Austin in 2 weeks and the twins in 3)I thought maybe I needed to update our Blog. I can't beleive the summer has gone by so fast. It seem like just yesterday that it was the last day of school. Where does the time go? We really haven't done a lot this summer with preparing for the new baby. The kids are excited to go to school (I think). We took them shopping for new clothes in which we put on layaway at Kmart and they were all very sad that we left the clothes at the store. It is not easy explaining to 5 year olds that mommy and daddy have to pay for the clothes before we can bring them home.

Once schools start that will mean it is time for another big event. The baby will be born the week of Labor Day. I really can't beleive that it has been 9 months already. I will be taking the full 12 weeks that is allowed off from work so it will be nice to be home for a little while with the kids as we get into a routine with school and the baby. Megan is hoping for a boy and the boys are hoping for a girl. It is kind of interesting. Robert and I are mixed and just want it to be a healthy baby. So far everything has been good. My blood pressure has been good so far but I know that may change as it has in the past with the last few weeks of each pregnancy. We are as ready as we are going to be.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Dutch Oven Competition winnings!

Dad and Paul also won a new dutch oven and other prizes.

The dutch-oven Winnings!

Austin takes 1st in his first Competition!!!

This year Dad decided he was going to enter the Dutch oven competition at WestFest. Robert asked Austin if he want to participate also and Austin said "Sure". Then Robert talked to his brother Paul to see if he wanted to participate also. Dad decided he would make "Pigs in a Cornfield" and " Baked beans" (my favorite) and Paul is going to make "Wild Boar Chili" and Austin and Robert decide that Austin will make "German Pancakes". So for the past 4 weeks they have been working on the recipe for the competition "German pancakes with Strawberries and Cream". Breakfast on Sundays have been delicious since we usually make 4 or a 5 every Sunday. The competition was yesterday. They started at 3 in the afternoon and final presentation was at 7pm. Austin has made the recipe so many times that he was able to make 5 yesterday from memory. Austin set his final presentation on the table with a minute to spare. There was a total of 10 participates. (2 for the youth division, 2 for the one-pot division, 3 for the two-pot division and 3 for the three-pot division). Austin, Paul and Dad all took 1st Place in their division. They all had had a good time and are starting to gear up for the next year so that they can defend their titles and Robert is going to join in to the challenge Paul and Dad.

Austin Final German Pancake just out of the oven.

Getting the strawberries spread out just right!

Finishing touch Powdered Sugar.
Dads "Pigs in a Cornfield"

Dad's Baked Beans

Paul setting out his Chili

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Where has 5 years gone!!!

Megan and Nikolai turned 5 today. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? They have had fun this weekend with a party on Saturday and then one Sunday. When I asked Megan what kind of cake she wanted this year she said "Pink Camo". She is the most unpredictable kid. Nikolai wanted Spiderman which is easy. So I did the best I could with both cake. they were so happy. Then they wanted a Pinata. Luckily it stopped raining long enough for them to go and hit it a few times before the hanger broke. Then the big kid used it as batting practice before Robert finally ripped it open and spread it around the yard.
The picture above is the day they came home from the hospital and then below are how they are today. It is so hard to believe they we once so small.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Can you believe....

I can't believe that summer is just around the corner! Schools is out in 2 weeks, the twins turn 5 in a month and the weather has finally warmed up. Where has the time gone. Someone reminded me that the year is almost half over...it seems like it was just January.

I finally broke down last month and got Megan's ears pierced. She had been begging us for month to get her ears pierced. I finally had a week moment when we went to the mall to meet a friend. She was such a big girl. She got right up in the chair and held still and didn't flinch when the pierce both ears at the same time (then again she like shots). She has been really good at reminding me each day to clean her ears and if I don't clean them on her time schedule she will go ahead and do them herself. She is a little to independent at times.

The boys are good. They both keeps on our toes, they are always on the go and do not like to stop or be told no.

17 weeks left until baby #4 arrives and the twins will start kindergarten (WOW!!!).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Half way done!!

We will officially be half way through the pregnancy this week. We had the ultra sound last week. We took the kids so they could see the baby in mom's tummy. They seem to be excited for a few minutes. We didn't find out since we have decided not but we wouldn't have been able even if we wanted to as the baby has his legs crossed. So it couldn't be a stubborn little born or a shy little girl. We will all find out in September.

Austin's first Hunt!

As a reward for getting a B average for the 2nd semester Austin got to go on a pig hunt with his dad at the beginning of April. He had a lot of fun hunting the pig but wasn't to sure about touching it for pictures afterwards. Robert was so excited to finally go hunting with one of his boys. Now he can't wait for Megan to be old enough to get her started. We can just see it now..High heals and Pick Camo Dress and gun. Robert also shot a pig so between the 2 pigs we have over 300lbs of pork down in the freezer.

Austin and his pig
Dad and Austin with Austin's Pig.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's official!!!

We have finally had our first prenatal appointment and the Dr and the ultrasound confirmed that we will only be having 1 baby. Our due date is September 16, 2009. Since we will be having a c-section I am going to try to get it scheduled for the week before on September 9Th (9-9-09). We have decided not to find out what we are having so we will all have to wait and be surprised in September.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Baby #4 will be here in September.

This was a total surprise to us this last weekend. I casually mentioned to Robert Thursday night that I was late so he bought a PG test on Friday and to our surprise it was positive. We thought we were done and excited that the twins will be starting kindergarten this fall. Now we will be starting over. Any handy me downs will be appreciated since we have been giving everything away since we thought we were done.
We are not planning to tell the kids until after my first appointment at the end of February. So please help us keep this quiet.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Look who got a new toy....

We trade the Van in tonight for this 2008 Chyrsler Aspen.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The New Year has arrived!!!

I can't believe that 2008 is over and we are beginning 2009. Where did the time go? Christmas was good this Robert and I tried to stay to a strict budget and for the most part we succeeded. The kids had fun. Santa brought all the right toys...Austin..K'nex Marble roller coaster, Basketball, Soccer ball and a football. Baggage guys and travel mat, Megan...A real baby the cries, suck a bottle and sleeps, Baby playpen, baby clothes and Cinderella for the bathtub, Nikolai...Tinker Toys, remote control Dinosaur, A four wheel and transformers. Austin has enjoyed being off from school for the past couple of weeks. Robert has taken the kids out shooting a couple of times and spent time playing games with them while I have worked.

We are looking for to this year. We are going to try to get out of some debt so we can remodel the kitchen. This is something we have thought about since we bought the house and since it looks like we are going to be here a little while longer we might as well make some changes that we like. The twins will start school in the fall which will be nice. Austin is going to get the opportunity to go skiing this month with the school and the Ski Utah program. He is excited so we will keep you posted on how he likes it. I am going to try to take some more time off since I seem to accrue more than I take. Robert is looking forward to going Pig hunting in the Spring with Austin. We are hoping to get out camping more this year since we only went out twice last year.

I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!